Symbolism and Wolves

As an artist, symbolism and the representation of these icons of collective consciousness has always tickled my brain in just the right ways. A lot of my work is flowing with symbolism, sometimes on purpose, but many times I’m just drawing stuff that looks cool without realizing how deeply connected are my subjects. I guess that’s what I find really fun and interesting about symbolism in general: so much of it is so deeply ingrained in our minds, we don’t really fully realize how we’re interpreting stuff until someone asks us to. When you see a cool piece of art on Instagram, how much mental energy are you really putting into translating all the concepts and symbols you see in the work?

I’m not going to get that deep into symbolism and how it appears in my work; not in this article anyways. Quite frankly, I don’t have that kind of patience. But, I feel due to my style of work, it would be fun to dig deeper into the symbolism of wolves and see what we can in my work!

The Call of the Wild

Almost everyone has felt some sort of primal connection to the wolf, or even to other related canids such as coyotes and foxes. There’s something captivating about these animal’s wild gaze, and many thoughts and feelings can stir up just looking at them. Sometimes a positive attraction, sometimes a negative repulsion. I don’t think there’s a single culture out there that doesn’t have a strong connection to wolves and/or other canids. The creatures have represented everything from strength and loyalty, to ferocity and bloodthirst. On one side of the pond, we have certain Native American traditions that see the wolves as guardians and spirit guides. There are many stories where wolves embody wisdom and provide guidance to hero’s life’s journey. On the other side of the pond, the early Germanic people had the great wolf Fenrir to represent the more negative side of this animal. The great beast represents chaos and destruction, and is kept chained until the day of Ragnarokr. And yet… despite the violence he represents, Fenrir also represents the inevitable cycle of death and rebirth. Regardless of interpretation, just seeing the wolf in a piece of art speaks to our shared fascination with this untamed spirit of nature.

Tribal Tales

silhouette dog on landscape against romantic sky at sunset
Photo by Pixabay on

Gosh, as I sit here typing everything up, I’m thinking: just how many cultures have wolf-related folklore?? I mean, I knew it was a lot, but just scratching the surface we have: ancient Rome and the she-wolf that nursed Romulus and Remus, symbolizing the founding of the city. She embodied the nurturing and protective instincts of motherhood. Next we have Japanese folklore, where the wolf is revered as a divine messenger and guardian of the mountains. That’s not even getting into the famed god Okami, who is another representation of the cycle of life and death. Then we get to today, where even in modern times wolves continue to inspire artists and storytellers, weaving tales of courage, resilience, and the untamed beauty of the natural world.

The Modern Symbolism of Wolves

Just as it seems technology evolves faster than we can keep up with, so too does our views and attitudes towards the wolf evolve. This evolution continues to be a reflection of our attitudes towards nature and society, as we commonly see ourselves in the wolf. For many cultures, wolves don’t just represent nature’s primality; they represent our primal instincts. Wolves remind us of who we are, of who we could be. Because of this, some people see the wolf as a symbol of the struggle for survival in an increasingly urbanized world. I personally feel a strong connection between wolves and their extreme sense of resilience in a world that feels out of control. It is no surprise that in art wolves end up serving as powerful symbols of strength, freedom, and the enduring spirit of the wilderness. I believe we all have an inner, primal beast deep inside, and some of us are more open to exploring and embracing this side of us.

Artistic Alchemy

Reading folklore is nice, but what’s more fun than looking at artists’ beautiful interpretation of wolves and their meaning in our lives?? Through our wonderfully creative lens, we artists explore the deeper meanings behind wolf symbolism, (un)consciously channeling the energy of these creatures onto canvas and clay. Some artists, like me, prefer to capture the wolf’s primal power and ferocity, mesmerized by the stirring of the inner beast within us all. Others evoke a sense of mystery and mysticism; their art may be less aggressive but it still draws viewers into the ethereal realms of the subconscious. Whether through realistic depictions or abstract interpretations, artists imbue their work with the spiritual essence of wolves, inviting viewers to connect with their own inner wisdom and intuition.

The Impact of Wolf Art on the Human Spirit

Considering a single piece of work as having transformative power might be a bit extreme, but I do think there is something to be said about how repeated viewings can affects one psyche. When you gaze upon a captivating piece of wolf art, you’re not just looking at a picture – you’re connecting with the soul of the artist and the message they’re trying to tell. Heck, the artist may not even be aware of what message they’re saying, but there will always be previous influences and inspirations taking place in their work. I believe that–especially when you consume this type of art a lot–these works have the power to evoke emotions, stir the imagination, and awaken dormant aspects of the psyche. They remind us of our primal instincts, our connection to nature, and our place in the vast tapestry of existence. So next time you find yourself drawn to an art piece, allow yourself to get lost in the brushstrokes, pencil strokes, clay, whatever. Let yourself be transported to a realm where the spiritual and the sublime converge. Pay attention to what grabs your attention, and open up to the magic that emanates from the artwork.

The Allure of the Wild

wolf howling in the forest
Photo by Pixabay on

So, I am interested in touching a bit into why humans the world over are so attracted to these animals. Yes, we already went over all the folklore around them, but it’s still interesting how attached we are to these animals. Like, there’s spiders everywhere, and even folklore about spiders, but people don’t really obsess over them, not even the cute, fluffy ones 😥. Here’s something fun I did learn: psychologists suggest that our attraction to wolves may stem from our evolutionary history, where humans relied on wolves for survival and formed complex relationships with them[1]. Today, even though the majority of us may no longer encounter wolves in the wild, their symbolic presence continues to captivate us. Deep down inside, perhaps even the most urban and domesticated human longs to restore their connection to the natural world…

Echoes of the Wild

What does this all mean for you? I assume if you’re reading this, you’re either here because you fell in love with my art, or this article just resonated with you. Either way, you probably have a strong affinity towards wolves, right? We discussed what the greater human consciousness thinks of wolves, but I was curious about what all this means on an individual level. Well, some psychologists suggest that those drawn to wolf imagery often possess traits associated with the wolf – resilience, independence, and a strong sense of intuition[2]. Quite frankly, I’ve found this to be quite accurate for myself. By embracing the symbolism of the wolf, you may be tapping into your own inner strength and wisdom, reconnecting with your primal instincts and yearning to forge a deeper connection to nature. The next time you find yourself drawn to any piece of wolf artwork, take a moment to reflect on what it reveals about your own inner nature and the wild spirit within you. Shoot, do this with all artwork you find yourself drawn to. I bet it will be a very insightful experience!

How Our Connection to Wolves Reflects Our Relationship with the Earth

It’s been hinted at a few times in this article, but what does our fascination with wolves says about our relationship with the natural world? No doubt our connection to wolves mirrors our broader relationship with nature itself. Love them or hate them, most will agree that wolves represent the untamed wilderness – its freedom, unpredictability, and fierce beauty. Our fascination with them reflects our longing to reconnect with the wild spirit of the earth. Something about modern life has and continues to make people totally miserable. It’s no surprise these same people look to escape the confines of modern life and rediscover their primal roots. Sure, most of us probably wouldn’t last a day without a microwave, but that doesn’t make those feelings any less valid. By embracing the symbolism of the wolf, we tap into our innate connection to nature, and remind ourselves of our place in the web of life. Watching wolves run across the vast valleys of Yellowstone, or the snowy tundra of the Yukon reminds us of the importance of preserving the wild places that still exist. Again, next time you find yourself enchanted by a wolf art piece, remember that it’s not just about the wolf – it’s about our deep-seated connection to the earth and all its creatures.

Channeling the Wild

Now to get to the fun part! You now know about all this cool stuff when it comes to wolves and how they touch their lives, ready to have one in your home? Err, lemme back up. Ready to have some awesome wolf artwork in your home? I don’t care if you buy from me or someone else, but something to keep in mind: by incorporating wolf-themed artwork into your living space, you’re not just adding decoration – you’re infusing your home with the primal energy and untamed beauty of these animals. Whether you prefer something harsh and ferocious, or soft and mystical, each element serves as a powerful reminder of your own inner strength and courage. Even if you think to yourself, ‘I’m not strong. I’m not courageous,‘ maybe surrounding yourself by the right artwork is what you need. Like I said earlier, looking at a single piece of artwork once may not be a transformative experience, but I do believe you are what you surround yourself with. So go ahead, unleash the wild spirit of the wolf into your home and watch as it transforms your space into a sanctuary of strength and resilience. Since you’re already here, go ahead and check out some prints in my shop!

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